Now, Roald and his friends want to go see if the mouse is still in its Gobstopper jar, but when they come to the shop, they see an ominous sign hanging on the door:
CLOSED. They all think that Mrs. Pratchett must have died from the shock of finding a dead mouse in the Gobstopper jar. At school, after Prayers, the Headmaster Mr. Coombes tells everyone to go outside and not ot talk, even though he doesn't tell anyone the readon for this unusual event. Then, Mrs. Pratchett herself comes in and starts going along the rows and rows of students lined up in the recess playground. When she gets to Roald's friends, she starts pointing at each of them in turn, until she'd pointed out every boy that had been to the sweet shop the day they had put the mouse in. Then, Mrs. Pratchett walks out of the school.
I think that next, Mrs. Pratchett will take her revenge by hitting them with a stick/cane.